Thursday, September 27, 2012

Molar Mass

Today in class we...learned about molar mass!

Here's the basics on molar mass for you Pac Rim people that went to Chinatown today and missed class. 

(Please look over the second page of our notes packet if this makes no sense)

Molar mass is just another name for the average atomic mass that can be found on the periodic table (the number usually with decimal places). It tells us the mass of one mole (6.02e23 units) of that substance (on the periodic table, the mass of one mole of that element). Two different substances can be the same amount (one mole) but have different masses. 

Because many of the molar masses have multiple decimal places, we round to the nearest whole number when it makes sense to make calculations easier. 
E.G.- On the periodic table it says that the molar mass of Carbon is 12.0107, but when using the molar mass to solve a problem, just use 12. 
However, for an element like tin (118.710) just round to 118.7

Finding molar mass of compounds (look at "Learning Check!" in notes packet):

Take the compound aspartame as an example. It is C14H18N2O5. To find the total molar mass, find the molar mass of each atom (C, H, N, O) and then multiply it by the subscript. 
Answer=294 g
Knowing this will be helpful in word problems like the ones we had on our worksheet homework tonight. 

That's the basics of molar mass. It's not that complicated. 

Besides learning about this is class, we got to work on our worksheet homework and went over last night's  homework. (P.S. we'll go over the quizzes tomorrow in class--they weren't super good :/ )

Don't forget: Avogadro's Number Lab is due tomorrow! (Write out the calculations and the answers, not the procedures).

The next scribe will be Emma B. (have fun!)

1 comment:

  1. Gee, thanks Claire. ;) This was really very useful, I really liked your sample problem. I was having a little trouble understanding it before, but I totally get it now--thanks!! :))) (Ooo, and the rounding explanation made sense of it finally, I liked how you worded everything!)
